Archives from November 2017

Lights, Soil, Action!

It looks like there is a great lineup of speakers for this year’s Quivira Conference.  The Conference will take place at the Embassy Suites Hotel in Albuquerque 9-11.  Wes Jackson and Temple Grandin will be among those speaking at the event.


09/28/2016 | (0) Comments

Picture Perfection with Charles Mann

From my latest column:

When the frothy edge of a wine-dark sea slithered up and gobbled Charles Mann’s pants, it also took a book and the keys to his orange VW Super Beetle. Almost four decades later, it was still Robert M. Pirsig’s Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance that Mann missed most. “You replace keys,” he said with a shot of humor and a zest of nostalgic despondence, “but that early-edition hardcover is gone.”

09/07/2016 | (0) Comments

Garden Journal 2014 Addition

My recent interview on the Garden Journal reminded me of another conversation we had back in 2014.  Although we touched on many of the same subjects, it’s interesting to see how concepts evolve over time.  For example, I push the idea of using Growstone as a wick material in this interview, but today my favorite wicking material is scoria.  Please contact me for more information.

08/31/2016 | (0) Comments

Great to Be back on the Garden Journal

Had a great time on KSFR with Bob Zimmerman and Christine Salem last Saturday.  Here's the audio.  Please support your local community radio station!

08/26/2016 | (0) Comments

Thanks Bob Zimmerman for inviting Me on Garden Talk Tomorrow!

Looking forward to being on KSFR tomorrow at 10am, and here is my most recent column in the New Mexican.


08/19/2016 | (0) Comments

Biophilia? I feel ya


The word “hydrophilic” has bounced around since 1901. Hybridized from the Greek roots for water (hydro) and love (philos), it means, “Possessing an affinity for water.” Regular readers of this column may recall references to hydrophilic soils, plants, and water-harvesting techniques. But please don’t worry if you’re new to this. You don’t have to be a permaculture practitioner or an etymologist to understand this month’s topic, biophilic design.

08/19/2016 | (2) Comments

Urban Farm University Meets Permadesign

Thanks to the Phoenix-based Urban Farm, Urban Farm University, and Greg Peterson for this detailed and comprehensive interview of yours truly. I highly recommend everything at Please enjoy and share the podcast, and feel free to ask any questions about it here. Greg really has an excellent thing going, so check it out!



08/19/2016 | (0) Comments

One Small Step..

One small step for the state of Colorado--one giant leap for the water harvesting movement!

08/05/2016 | (0) Comments

2016 International Landscape Design Conference

There will be many great speakers at the 2016 International Landscape Design Conference, and I’m proud to be speaking on Friday the 16th.  Click here to see a brochure of all the speakers and schedule of the event.


07/25/2016 | (0) Comments

Radio Pitch for Adaptive Design

In my interview on KVSF I talk about the upcoming 2016 International Landscape Design Conference at which I'll be presenting.

07/23/2016 | (0) Comments